July statistics – doing it Undina style!

When I got to know Undina and her Looking Glass last year we became friends quite quickly. Our bond was growing as we were visiting each other’s blogs more often. We even found out that both her and mine perfume tastes are very similar, that the same perfume appeal to us. Of course it’s not a 100% match but I would say that we agree in 90% of our choices. Ain’t it a lot?

While reading her blog I quickly stated to admire her work. Not only Undina’s writing is neat, interesting and funny but she also has the ability to track many different information instantly. I love her “laughs, lemmings, loves” posts, she shares there posts from other bloggers. I’ve been included there too! But to me Undina has a master degree in statistics. I was impressed by her monthly summaries, kind of jealous about them. In honour of Undina I decided to do my own statistics.

July was an interesting month for me. I didn’t get accepted for any real chemistry summer internship. Instead I spent a whole week in Warsaw helping in the perfume boutique. Those 7 days gave me a great lesson. I learned a lot there and I believe that writing about this experience in my CV will be helpful for me in applying to a perfumery school. At least I hope it will help, what do you think? Last weeks were really hot, with temperatures rising above 35*C. In this heat I treated myself to swimming and cycling. On most of the days I had to take a shower in the middle of the day which resulted in wearing two perfumes a day really often. Let’s move on to the statistics.

In July I wore* 40 different perfumes on 18 occasions. The most popular occasion (if this can be called one!) was just a daily matter of the scent of the day. There were some other opportunities for a fragrance, like meetings with friends, going out. First statistics I did were to provide the answer to the question: from which countries did my perfume come from. The results show that 50% (20 perfumes) of fragrances I wore in July were from French perfume houses. At 2nd place there’s Italy27% (11) and at 3rd is the USA with a result of 15% (6). Later come UK perfumes – 5% (2) and other countries 3% (1), the latter being namely one Amouage from Oman. I was actually hoping that Italian perfume houses will dominate my July wardrobe but comparing the number of Italian and French perfume houses it was rather hard to avoid scents from France. I’m glad that Italian brands came in as second, I love Italian perfumes!

Then, with a help of perfume genders classification from Fragrantica I wanted to see what was the most popular theme in perfumes I reached for in the month of July. Since most of the contemporary perfumes belong to more than one family I decided to count them more than once, for example if a fragrance was classified as woody chypre I counted that position for both “woody” and “chypre”. I was practically certain that citrus would be the top family I wore last month but the statistics prove I was wrong. The top category in July was floral with 24% (17 perfumes) worn. Next are aromatic/fougere scents which got 18% (13) of my skin time. Then oriental – 15% (11), ex aequo citrus and woody, both 11% (8). Finally chypre with 7% (5). 14% (10) classified as other include perfumes described as green (1), gourmand (1), fruity (3), musk (2), leather (1), aldehyde (1) and spicy (1). Among 40 perfumes I wore in July, the highest amount of them was classified as oriental floral (7) which was a little bit unexpected.

Last chart I created presents the most worn perfume houses in July, and most popular perfumes I used in the month course. A Definite winner is Atelier Cologne that I wore for 4 days with 4 different fragrances. Prada is a runner up. I also spent 4 days wearing Prada but only with 3 fragrances. Next rank belongs to Eau d’Italie and Histoires de Parfums. For both these brands I wore 3 different fragrances over 3 days. The remaining four I placed in this chart – Carthusia, Profvmvm Roma, Le Labo and Guerlain were worn two times last month, with two perfumes each. Everything else got just a single shot in July. Previous month there were only three perfumes I sprayed on more than a day. Prada Amber Pour Homme, Eau d’Italie Acqua Decima and Aedes de Venustas Iris Nazarena – I spent two days with each creation. Not too much. I’ve been perfume promiscuous in July…

I hope your July was fantastic! Did you buy any new perfumes or found some new loves, or lemmings at least? Do report back! And Undina – I hope you’re proud of me!

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26 thoughts on “July statistics – doing it Undina style!

  1. jilliecat says:

    This is fascinating, and I admire the work you have put into your study – I don’t think I could get my head round my perfume habits (I’m too lazy)!

    As we have been experiencing scorching heat here in the UK too recently, I have been very boring and reaching for my citrus colognes time and time again. O de Lancôme has been my most worn refresher, although I am sad that the new formulation has no oak moss and hence no depth nor longevity; still it is good to spritz all over when you have just stepped out of the bath or shower.

    You must be exceptionally fit now, Lucas, with all that swimming and cycling. And I am a great believer in fate …. everything happens for a reason, it’s just that you don’t know what that is at the time..

    • lucasai says:

      Is it fascinating, really? Haha, thank you. I’m too lazy for that too, that’s why this statistics is a single run only.

      We’ve been experiencing scorching heat in Poland as well. I agree about O de Lancome and it’s reformulation. It doesn’t stick long. In some post Daisy suggested keeping it in the fridge and then spraying it on your body as a cooling mist. Sounds nice.
      I may be fit but my body doesn’t want to lose weight, I have a belly tummy I want to get rid of…

  2. Jordan River says:

    Undina Style! Great dances moves Lucas. Interesting info. Love the lifesaver graph.

  3. I love it when Undina provides here stats and love this too. I wish I could get myself motivated to do the same because I’m sure there would be some surprising results! Good job!

  4. Annina says:

    You’ve inspired me to chart my own perfume usage! Great graphs too!

  5. hajusuuri says:

    Hello Sweetie! I love this post! Your first paragraph describes us perfectly too except for the fact I don’t have a blog 🙂 Go Triplets! And yes, Undina has those mad statistics skillz and she certainly knows how to present them in the most interesting manner.

    Although I did not specifically keep track daily (I am lazy), I primarily wore Atelier Cologne Sous le toit de Paris and NVC Bombay Bling, with Le Labo Iris 39, Chanel Bois des Iles and A Lab on Fire WWDIPIS worn once each.

    From a statistical point of view, my brain naturally wants to see an intersection of where your perfume came from vs. the kind of perfume.

    • lucasai says:

      I’m glad you like this idea of me doing the statistics. I agree, the first paragraph applies to you too! Triplets power!
      I think you wore some great perfumes the previous month. Atelier Cologne, Le Labo, Mhhm… dreamy!

      I can absolutely tell you that practically all my citrus perfumer were Italian 🙂

  6. Mary K says:

    This makes me want to keep track of what I wear each day. It would be fun to look back at the end of a month, or even longer time period, to see what I just had to put on each day. Like you, I might also be surprised to see what notes I turned to most often.

  7. Love it! I think you did Undina proud!

    It’s always fun to read about these statistics and see what people are wearing. Sometimes I think that what people actually put on to go about their daily routine can be so different from what they admire and adore in private. For example, I love Amouage Memoir Woman, but I can’t see it as being an everyday perfume for me.

    Great post, Lucas! Thanks for this.

  8. Kafkaesque says:

    Nice job, Lucas! I’m always awed by people who take on statistical breakdowns. I wish I didn’t have such an aversion to numbers (or Excel) because the results are always interesting. I’m surprised along with you that Italian or citrus scents did not dominate your monthly wardrobe.

    • lucasai says:

      I’m less surprised by Italian scents not being first – the are not so many italian houses + many are not available in Poland.
      But I was surprised it was oriental floral not citrus that dominated the wardrobe.

  9. Dear Lucas
    I too admire Undina and her statistical studies and yours is a wonderful homage to her!
    It sounds as though your time in the perfume store was well spent and al that swimming and cycling (especially in the heat) will set you up well for when the weather changes.
    Yours ever
    The Perfumed Dandy

  10. Undina says:

    Lucas, I’m VERY proud of you! Great discipline and very nice graghs. The only improvement I’d do – a possibility to open those charts in another window bigger. Let me know if you need help with how to do it in WordPress.

    I’m not surprised you wore floral perfumes the most often: as much as I developed versatility of my fragrance tastes I’m still a floral fan over anything else. And since we have that 90% match… 🙂

    Thank you for your very kind words, Lucas. I value your friendship very much.

    Do you plan to write more about your work experience?

    • lucasai says:

      Yay, thank you Undina, glad I could make you proud of me 🙂
      Thanks for the suggestion about linking charts to their higher resolution form. If I ever decide to do some more statistics I will do that – if I have trouble, I will ask for help, I promise.
      So you’re a floral fan? I don’t treat myself as a floral fan, it just turned out that way 😉
      It’s lovely to have you as a friend

      • Undina says:

        I didn’t know that either until I startred looking into my stats: more than a half perfumes in my collection (bottles and decants only) are from the floral group/subgroup.

        • lucasai says:

          Well in my case I don’t woń these floral or oriental floral perfumes. Most of my july wearings were samples, only a few like Pradas or eau d’italie or atelier cologne were from my bottles or bigger decants

          • Undina says:

            Mostly I do not wear perfumes from samples – only if I’m trying to make the final decision on whether to buy the perfume I liked in testing. And since I do not buy samples (well, almost), I do not pay too much attention to categories, etc. of those that just come my way since I cannot claim that it was a concsious decision as I can do in case of wearing perfumes I know and own.

            • lucasai says:

              With my student budget I can’t afford buying decants and full bottles really often so I try most of the fragrances in form of a sample. I buy only when swapping fails as I get most samples via seans plus some samples are gifts from friends

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