Plus one

Madonna was so wrong when she sang “time goes by so slowly” in her Hung Up song from Confessions on a Dance Floor album. What was she even thinking, especially that the truth is the very opposite. Time goes fast, too fast. Sometimes I even think it accelerates to rocket speed… especially when I’m being trapped in a vortex of work. The thing is – another year has passed and today is my birthday. I’m not sure if it will be an extraordinary day. My parents are not here because they’re working and nor are here my friends who could celebrate with me. I’ll be cheerful because it’s my day, no matter what! 25th year of my life has been a bumpy one. Mostly filled with success but there wasย also some misery. I keep on learning who I am and who I want to be and what I want to do. It all takes time and effort but I’m certain of one thing – I will get there & one of these days you’ll see my own brand on a shelf of your favorite perfume shop. It’s a promise. Even though we’re miles away (oops, another Madonna song) I think of you, my dear readers, as my friends. So please, sit together with me once you’re back home from work, send a little good thought my way and have something sweet – that would be like eating my birthday cake together. Turning 26 might bring new and unknown but I fear not for now. I’d rather look forward to it!

Perfume of the day shall be my staple Prada Amber Pour Homme. I have decided on my birthday treat which I can share with you in the comments but I’d like to write a special post about it once I finally have it with me. I need some more patience as it’s not available in Poland yet.

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36 thoughts on “Plus one

  1. Undina says:

    Dear Lucas,

    Happy Birthday to you! 25 is a great age – enjoy it, no matter what setbacks you come across. Keep going – and you’ll get somewhere. It might be where you’re heading or a completely different destination, but I hope wherever it will be, it will be the right place for you.

    In honor of your birthday I’ll wear Prada Infusion d’Iris Absolue.

  2. Cornelia Blimber says:

    I send you my best wishes. 25, so young! May Lady Fortuna make all your wishes come true.

  3. Lyubov says:

    Happy 26th, Lucas! I hope it brings you hope, joy, and love! Especially fragrant ones!
    Kisses from rainy Bulgaria! (but warm enough to wear something special – I’ll spray on my fave Prada L’Eau Ambree in your honour ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

  4. 0000000000000000000000000000Happy Birthday Lucas. Trust me, when you get to be my age, 25 will be but a memory and all the fantastic things in life will come to full bloom! BTW…the multiple zeros are courtesy of my big boy Duncan who pressed on the keyboard and I started to type. His way of saying Happy Birthday in cat! ๐Ÿ™‚ xoxoxo Steve

  5. poodle says:

    Happy Birthday to you! Oh to be that young again… Enjoy the day and enjoy your Prada.

  6. jillie says:

    Have a happy birthday day, dear Lucas, and I shall also wear a perfume in your honour – Prada Amber (for women!). I see that Houndie’s kittie sent you good wishes – my Caspie is trying to climb on me right now, so I am sure he is joining in as well!


  7. Mariann says:

    What you say about learning who you are and what you want really resonates with me too, its a lifelong process as we’re changing all the time. But ideally the older one gets, the more used to it one becomes! ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyway have a very happy Birthday!!

  8. Suzy Q says:

    Happy birthday, Lucas! You smell great. Wasn’t that Prada also your New Years perfume ๐Ÿ™‚
    I, too, shall wear a Prada in your honor today: Infusion d’Iris absolue. Have a wonderful day!

  9. rickyrebarco says:

    Happy Birthday to you!! And may all your dreams come true. It seems it takes so long to get to where one wants to be when one is young. But you will get there, you have the dream, the talent, and the drive. Blessings and good wishes to you, dear Lucas, on this wonderful birthday. I see the bottle of your fragrance line now. It’s called “Fragrant Dreams.” It has iris and amber in it….. the bottle is simple and elegant, nice heavy glass, it’s beautiful! And it’s all made in Poland by Polish artisans. Won’t it be wonderful when it happens??! All the best to you. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. shellyw says:

    Have a lovely day. From the comments above I must be the last person to not own a Prada. I love sweet treats so will think of you when I have this afternoon.

  11. Holly says:

    Happy Birthday, dear Lucas! I have no doubt whatsoever that you can and will achieve your dream, and I’m looking forward to seeing your brand on the shelves. You have what it takes to attain your goal, and I hope that you will enjoy the process along the way, bumps and all. I will raise a glass to you later in the day, light a candle, eat a sweet treat and waft Shermine as my SOTD. Thank you for all you have done for the perfume community! Sending love, hugs and good vibes for the year to come.
    A package is winging its way to you, btw. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • lucasai says:

      Thanks Holly!
      I’ll be sure for my readers to have the possibility to try my first creation as first in the world ๐Ÿ™‚
      Shermine is so good ๐Ÿ™‚
      And I’m very looking forward to the package

  12. Harper says:

    Happy Birthday! Lucas!

  13. Barbara B says:

    Sto lat Lucas!

  14. Ania says:

    Happy Birthday Lucas!
    You will get THERE, keeping my fingers crossed ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. PrincessTonk says:

    I saw that it was your birthday on another blog, earlier. Then I put on some Prada Infusion d’Iris Absolue coincidentally before dinner. Now I am home and also coincidentally, came to read your blog. The weather has been strange and convoluted all over the world. Spring will come, family will get together and you will see that having dreams at 25 or 26 or 27 and working toward them puts you far ahead of most others. Sleep well tonight and enjoy the year.

  16. hajusuuri says:

    Belated Happy Birthday, Sweetie! What did you end up doing? Stay fragrant ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Laurels says:

    Happy belated birthday! Best wishes for a great year.

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